1. SBB is a new device used as a portable unit for programming keys in immobilizer units on vehicles. Due to its integrated hardware SBB needs no more than the OBDII cable provided to carry out a wide range of functions. 2. Features: programming new keys reading keys from immobilizers memory deactivating keys no longer in the car owners possession operation by means of a menu guided programming programming new remote controls 3. Supported languages: Italian / German / French / English / Spanish / Greek / Portuguese / Turkish / Russia 4. How To Use SBB: (1) Before running SBB key programmer, please insert the blank new key into your car keyhole. (2) Turn on ignition switch. (3) Insert SBB 16-pin interface into your car OBD2 diagnostic seat. Follow the instructions showed on the SBB screen. SBB key programmer copies chip according to car model, and it programs key not clones key, you only needs to insert SBB 16-pin interface into your car OBD2 diagnostic seat, then read out immobilizer pin code from immobilizer dump/EEPROM of the car before writing it into new blank key. When programming For Ford vehicle, it does not need pin code. 5. Supported cars: ACURA / ALFA ROMEO / CADILLA(G M) / CHRYSLER / CITROEN / DODGE / EAGLE / FIAT / FIAT - PSA / FORD AUS FORD EU / FORD USA / GENERAL MOTORS BRASI / HOLDEN / HONDA / HONDA USA / HYUNDAI / HYUNDAI USA / JAGUAR / JEEP / KIA / KIA USA / LANCIA / LEXUS / LINCOLN / MAZDA / MERCURY / MITSUBISHI / MITSUBISHI USA / NISSAN / NISSAN JAPAN / NISSAN (TRUCKS) / NISSAN USA / OPEL-VAUXHALL / PEUGEOT / RENAULT / SEAT / SKODA / SUBARU / SUZUKI / TOYOTA - PSA / TOYOTA USA / VOLKSWAGEN / VOLKSWAGEN (BRASILE)