1. This ELM327 has full support to for Ford specific diagnostic protocol MS-CAN. Majority of modern Ford modules are accessible only through this protocol. 2. Functions: Read/erase fault codes from ALL modules, including OBD2/EOBD Access modules on both HS-CAN and MS-CAN mode Read vehicle configuration Actuator tests Live Data Injector coding Software updates Service procedures Force DPF regeneration Programming Coding Adaptations 3. Supported The Following Protocols: -ISO15765-4 (CAN) -ISO14230-4 -ISO9141-2 -J1850 VPW (GM vehicles) -J1850 PWM (For Ford vehicles) -For FORD CAN HS, MS CAN For FORD 9141 4. Supported Modules: GEM IPC DDM PDM RDDM RPDM AHCM PAM ACU SRM KVM IPMA SODL SODR BCM TCM PCM ABS HEC EHPAS CCM PSCM HCM RCM SASM FACM ACM SRM SDDJ 5. It can support the following protocols: SAE J1850 PWM(41.6Kbaud) SAE J1850 VPW(10.4Kbaud) ISO9141-2(5 baud init,10.4Kbaud) ISO14230-4 KWP(5 baud init,10.4 Kbaud) ISO14230-4 KWP(fast init,10.4 Kbaud) ISO15765-4 CAN(11bit ID,500 Kbaud) ISO15765-4 CAN(29bit ID,500 Kbaud) ISO15765-4 CAN(11bit ID,250 Kbaud) ISO15765-4 CAN(29bit ID,250 Kbaud) A.SAE J1939 CAN(29bit ID,250*Kbaud) B.USER1 CAN(11*bit ID,125*Kbaud) C.USER2 CAN(11*bit ID,50*kbaud) Default settings(user adjustable) 6. Supported Windows OS: Win7, XP, Vista and Windows 2000 (both 32 & 64 Bit OS) 7. Supported Software: ELMconfig FoCCCus Forscan most type of OBD2/EOBD softwares For the software CD, FoCCCus and ELM ScanMaster are included. For Forscan, user can download the latest free version from the Forscan website directly.